
江南之山水,大学之精神:昆山杜克大学二期校园设计方案 / Perkins&Will【有岗位:中高级室内设计师、中级城市设计师】

点击关注 → ABBS 2023-03-13

▲©Perkins&Will DKU_Aerial
Perkins&Will为昆山杜克大学设计了一座自然意趣与当代建筑穿插连接、传统水乡与现代文化碰撞交融的二期校园,刚柔相济中体现了学校理性主义与人文情怀融合的教育理念。昆山杜克大学二期校园占地面积189,334m2,建筑面积约153,182.5m2,Perkins&Will的设计服务涵盖规划、建筑、室内和导视。二期校园新建的 22栋建筑包含了图书馆、社区中心、武大-杜克研究院楼、行政楼、综合体育馆及师生公寓等设施,建成后将成为整个校园的主体。项目预计于2022年6月底交付校方使用。
Perkins&Will has revealed designs for the second phase of Duke Kunshan University as an ele-gant blend of nature and architecture reflecting the natural context and local culture of Kunshan. The design aims to compliment the University’s ethos in education, rationalism, and humanism through creating a series of state-of-the-art spaces for living and learning.
The new Liberal Arts campus contains 22 buildings and a total building area of 153,182.5 m2, in-cluding key public buildings, namely a Library, Student Community Centre, the Wuhan-Duke Re-search Institute plus an Administration Building and Recreation Center. Perkins&Will led urban planning, architecture, interiors, and wayfinding for the campus which is set to welcome its first cohort of students in August 2022.

▲©Perkins&Will DKU Library Exterior ©BrickVisual
Open contextual history

The campus is designed to be open, inclusive, and dynamic. Located adjacent to the existing phase I complex, the new development is designed both as a centerpiece and as a key link to potential future phases. The masterplan of the 189,334m2 site draws inspiration from the layout of Duke University's historic Chapel Hill campus in Durham, North Carolina, establishing a visible dialogue between locations and academic aspirations on either side of the world.

▲©Perkins&Will DKU Dormitory Courtyard ©BrickVisual
At its core, the new campus aims to weave traces and textures of the traditional Jiangnan water villages into the campus’s identity. In this way creating a synergy between the communities of Kunshan, Duke and a sense of harmony created between the built environment and nature. A series of generous outdoor green spaces provide visual relief and encourage students from di-verse cultures to engage with one another.

▲©Perkins&Will DKU Campus Axis
Jiangnan Vernacular

The architecture of the project reimagines the staggering volumes and colors of the Jiangnan vil-lage vernacular, to create a‘solid sculpture’through the modeling and interplay of volumes. Fa-cades are clad in stone, metal, and glass to allow variation in texture and color. The masterplan and organization of the campus adopts an educational module which is not focused on single buildings, but groups of buildings to create a series of formal and informal public spaces through-out the new campus.

▲©Perkins&Will DKU Model
At the focal point of the masterplan is the Community Centre. This key building is situated prom-inently on the central axis of the main entrance. The center is easily accessible by foot within a 3-minute walk from all main academic spaces. The building brings diverse programs such as dining, events and performance spaces, a careers advice center and clinic under one roof. This will be the center of life for the entire University. The Duke spirit is expressed within the internal spaces through color. The ‘Duke Blue’runs throughout coloring key features and expressing the unique identity of the University and its history.

▲©Perkins&Will DKU Community Center ©BrickVisual
The library presents itself as a strong and elegant container of knowledge at the intersection of the two main landscape axes. The simple monolithic exterior frames the vibrant and diverse pro-grams within. The library collection and reading areas, exhibition spaces, classrooms, meeting rooms and a Chinese tearoom are arranged around a tall central atrium. This naturally lit four-level space serves as both the main circulation spine and an open gallery.

▲©Perkins&Will DKU Library and Research
The expansive Recreation Centre, located next to the halls of residence and the community cen-ter, supports a wide range of indoor and outdoor activities. The center provides a competition level basketball hall, swimming pool, gymnasium, running track and climbing wall. These facili-ties create a year-round hub for students and staff accessible and visible to all within the campus.

▲©Perkins&Will DKU Library and Community Center
To create a sense of neighborhood the undergraduate residence halls have been designed as a series of low-rise courtyards. These buildings are arranged as open courts to connect the residen-tial quarters to the various functions of the campus. These interlocking courtyard spaces encour-age interaction between undergraduates and foster interdisciplinary collaboration. Classrooms and common areas line the edges of the landscaped courts. The post-graduate hall, which sits to one side of the undergraduate program is designed around a central atrium stair. This block, for mature students, offers more privacy and individual spaces for independent research and study, overlooking the green quadrangles to north and south.

▲©Perkins&Will DKU Library Interior

The Duke Kunshan Phase II campus is designed to promote holistic health and wellbeing. As a world-class university, Duke Kunshan University is committed to actively reducing carbon emis-sions and promoting carbon neutrality. The new campus reserves almost a third of its land area as greenery and outdoor spaces. Of this area, 90% of the green spaces utilize rainwater irrigation to reduce water use on site. The design of the new campus is driven by the goal to create a harmo-nious foundation between the tradition and the future of both Duke and Kunshan and to cele-brate the balance of man and nature in education.
▲©Perkins&Will DKU Library Interior 2 ©BrickVisual
“昆山杜克大学二期项目在昆山杜克大学发展中是非常重要的一个环节,她承上启下,既补充和丰满了一期校园的功能,又为随后的三期四期奠定了坚实基础。昆山杜克大学二期校园它展现了江南与西方自然与文化的融合之美,” 昆山杜克大学二期项目总经理白宁说道:“二期校园采用了多项可持续发展技术,践行了我们倡导低碳校园的理念。我们的目标是二期校园所有建筑都取得LEED绿色建筑认证,我相信在昆山政府、美国杜克大学、武汉大学、昆山杜克大学的共同努力下,全校师生将迎来一个更健康、更创新、更美丽和更绿色的家园。”
“The phase II combines the nature and culture of Jiangnan and Duke University. As a vital compo-nent of Duke Kunshan University, it bridges the university’s past, present and future. Not only does it complement and enrich the functions for the Campus Phase I, but also lays the foundation for Phase III and Phase IV,” says Ning Bai, General Manager of the Duke Kunshan University Cam-pus Phase II: “The new campus adopts multiple sustainable technologies to pursue our vision of a low-carbon campus. We aim to obtain LEED certifications for all buildings in Phase II. With the joint efforts of the Kunshan government, Duke University, Wuhan University, and Duke Kunshan University, I believe all students and staff will enjoy a healthier, greener, more innovative and more beautiful home.”

▲©Perkins&Will DKU Library Exterior ©BrickVisual
▲©Perkins&Will DKU Campus Phase II
▲©Perkins&Will Duke Kunshan Campus China
▲©Perkins&Will Duke Campus USA
建筑面积:153,182.5 m2
基地面积:189, 334 m2
视觉效果:©Brick Visual , ©Perkins&Will
可持续性:所有建筑都目标LEED绿色认证——访客中心目标LEED铂金级认真;武大-杜克研究院楼、社区中心、行政楼及图书馆目标LEED金级认证;综合体育馆、服务楼、研究生中心及本科生公寓目标LEED银级认证 。
Duke University Kunshan Phase II
Architecture Firm: Perkins&Will
Project location: Kunshan Suzhou
Start Date: May 2017
Completion Date: 2022
Gross Built Area: 153,182.5 m2
Site Area: 189, 334 m2
Design Scope: Masterplan, Architecture, Interior, Wayfinding
Programs: Community Center, Library, Sports Complex, Visitor Center, Research Center, Administration Building, Student Residence and etc.
Clients: Duke Kunshan University, Kunshan Entrepreneurship Holding Group Co. LTD
Visual: ©Brick Visual, ©Perkins&Will
Local Architect: Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.
Landscape: Futurepolis L.L.C.
MEP Consultant: WSP
Sustainability Consultant: Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Ltd.
Light Consultant: Brandston Partnership Inc.
Façade Consultant: WSP
Contractor: Tus-Design Group Co.,Ltd. ARTS Group Co., Ltd. Suzhou NO.1 construction Group Co., Ltd.
Sustainability:All buildings target LEED level—Visitor Center targets at LEED Platinum Level; WHU-DUKE research Institute, Community Center, Administration Building and the Library target at Gold Level; Sports Complex, Service Building, Employee Center, Graduate Student Center and Undergraduate Student Residence target Silver Level.





