

留学北大 2021-12-26







The new semester is still on its way! 

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course)

Chinese language learning

is now available to international students, 

who wish to keep up with their 

Chinese learning at home!

So click the link below and get started!



This specialization consists of three elementary language courses, aims to improve your Chinese language skills effectively and systematically. This specialization introduces everyday language and includes activities to practice all four language skill: conversation, comprehension, reading and writing. You will learn about Chinese culture and basic Chinese Characters more, will possess the ability to further your Chinese language studies.



HSK stands for Hànyǔ (Chinese) Shuǐpíng (level) Kǎoshì (test), which is the most important Chinese proficiency test in use today. It assesses non-native Chinese speakers’ abilities in using Chinese in their daily, academic and professional lives.


This course is called “Chinese for HSK Level 2”, which is also the second step towards HSK Level 6. At the end of the 6 weeks, you will be able to express your views towards some simple and common daily life topics.


Chinese for HSK 3 is a 10-week course. It consists of two parts: Part I, which is a 6-week program, covers vocabulary and grammar delivered mainly through dialogues and passages; Part II takes 4 weeks to complete and the foci are exercises and testing strategies. Chinese for HSK 3 aims at the third level of HSK. It is the counterpart of Level 3 of the Chinese Language Proficiency Scales for Speakers of Other Languages and the B1 Level of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.


Chinese for HSK 3 is a 10-week course. It consists of two parts: Part I, which is a 6-week program, covers vocabulary and grammar delivered mainly through dialogues and passages; Part II takes 4 weeks to complete and the foci are exercises and testing strategies.


Chinese for HSK 4 is a 10-week course. It consists of two parts: Part I, which is a 6-week program, covers vocabulary and grammar delivered mainly through dialogues and passages; Part II takes 4 weeks to complete and the foci are exercises and testing strategies.


HSK五级课程是一门通过HSK五级的学习提高学习者的汉语水平,进而在HKS五级考试中取得好成绩的课程。 HSK五级慕课课程共12周,分为两部分。 

第二部分:HSK考试指导课。这部分侧重于提高学习者适应HSK考试的能力,由这四位教师分别围绕听力、阅读和写作三项考试展开教学。学时共4周,每周有课,每课有一个视频,每个视频长约10分钟。每天有若干练习题,最后有一次模拟考试。 学生完成全部课程并进行了考试,成绩(包括小考和模拟考试成绩)达到课程要求(60分及格)就可以得到本课程的证书。


HSK六级课程旨在通过学习HSK六级相关内容提高学习者的汉语水平,并帮助学习者在HSK六级考试中获得好成绩。 HSK六级慕课课程共12周,分为两个部分。第一部分:汉语知识与技能课。侧重于教六级水平的汉语语言知识,训练表达技能,以HSK真题等为材料,由四位教师分别从听力、语法词汇、阅读和写作几个方面展开教学。学时共8周,每周有5个视频,每个视频的时长约10分钟。每次课后有若干练习题,每周有一次小考。



This is an elementary course on learning Chinese characters. Together, we will start from the basic element of Chinese characters-- Strokes. Then we will learn 1,200 basic Chinese words composed of 240 commonly used Chinese characters, which begin with “一”(one), including pronunciation, shape and meaning, so that to improve the learning effect. 

① Each Chinese character is with pinyin; 

② Each Chinese character is shown in the form of animation in the process of writing, namely strokes;

③ English translation is used on the Chinese character can be a word itself. Other Chinese characters can not be independent of words are the characters of. The English translation of this kind of characters is marked in parentheses; 

④ Each Chinese word is accompanied by Pinyin, English translation and picture, which is easy to understand;

⑤ There are proper exercises at the end of each lesson.


This is an elementary course on learning Chinese characters. Together, we will continue to learn another 240 Chinese characters in this course. And we will learn about another 1,200 basic Chinese words composed of 240 commonly used Chinese characters, which begin with “耳”(ear), including pronunciation, shape and meaning, so that to improve the learning effect.

① Each Chinese character is with pinyin;

② Each Chinese character is shown in the form of animation in the process of writing, namely strokes;

③ English translation is used on the Chinese character can be a word itself. Other Chinese characters can not be independent of words are the characters of. The English translation of this kind of characters is marked in parentheses; 

④ Each Chinese word is accompanied by Pinyin, English translation and picture, which is easy to understand; 

⑤ There are proper exercises at the end of each lesson.



This is an elementary course on learning Chinese characters. Together, we will start from the basic element of Chinese characters-- Strokes. Then we will learn 1,200 basic Chinese words composed of 240 commonly used Chinese characters, which begin with “一”(one), including pronunciation, shape and meaning, so that to improve the learning effect. 


This is an advanced course for Chinese for beginners. Learners will expand vocabularies about personal information, daily life, food and drink, healthy, and expressions about greeting, suggestion, agreement, comparison, complaint, prohibition, experience, plan, recommendation, etc. Learners can improve their listening and speaking and know much more about Chinese social cultures. As the same as Chinese for beginners, the course doesn’t ask the learners to know Chinese characters. 

Recommended Background: For learners with certain English language ability and better have attended Chinese for beginners.





本课程为“中级商务汉语(入职与营销篇)”的姊妹篇,学习的内容主要涉及商务工作中的联系客户、安排酒会、市场调查、商务考察、参加展会和商务谈判这六大类商务活动。 本课程共分为七个单元,其中第一到第六单元为学习单元,每一单元都包含五个10-15分钟的教学视频,每个教学视频之后有两道不计入成绩的练习题。每一单元的学习结束后,你需要完成单元考试,包括六道客观题和两道同伴互评题,共10分,六个单元共60分。第七单元为总复习和考试单元,你需要在复习之后完成考试,共四十道客观题,40分。单元考试和最后的考试共100分,得到80分即可通过课程。



这门课将帮助学习者关注和理解汉语的语法特点,解决汉语学习中的语法难点,提高准确、恰当地运用语法知识进行说、读、写、译的能力。Learn Chinese grammatical concepts to improve your Chinese language skills in speaking, reading, writing and translating.


本课程根据外国学生学习汉语的特点,比较系统地介绍了汉语的主要语法,像词类、句子成分、单句、复句、篇章、表达方法,等等;着重指出了外国学习者学习汉语语法的难点和重点,并通过大量有针对性的练习,帮助学习者去掌握、运用,从而提高学习者的汉语水平。 According to the characteristics of the foreign student learning Chinese, this course systematically introduces the main grammar of Chinese, such as part of speech, sentence constituent, single sentence, complex sentence, discourse, expression method. This course emphatically points out the important and difficult points in the foreign student’s Chinese grammar learning, and through a large number of targeted trainings, the course helps learners to master and use, thus to improve Chinese level of the learner.


To learn a language well, a student needs to know the culture related to the target language, especially its communications. In this course, you will learn about the communication culture in China, such as the Chinese address system, metaphors, taboo words and euphemisms, Chinese terms of respect and modesty, and more. By understanding Chinese culture, you will be able to communicate more appropriately.

课程资源 | 对外汉语教育学院

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