
无间设计 | 知常于忆,见新在变

W.DESIGN无间设计 建E室内设计网

在成都重拾慢生活,日日皆美好。一片意象“竹林”中,无间设计形塑一座“第三空间”,承载慢生活的节奏。放缓步履,赏竹品茗,品味人生,体悟独属于成都的“巴适”松弛感。而城市因人而筑,人与人的共鸣于此弥散。无间设计以社交属性为点,信息密度为线,多维感受与功能交融为面,点线面铺展开来,转译出与成都记忆共振,又于时光中不断流动的“第三空间”,成为生活瞬间的凝聚,处处皆雅意,时时皆妙趣。In Chengdu, a "third space" designed amidst a symbolic "bamboo grove" invites a slower, more enjoyable pace of life. This space encourages relaxation, tea appreciation, and savoring the unique laid-back vibe of Chengdu. It's a place where social connections and experiences blend seamlessly, resonating with the city's memories and evolving with time, offering elegance and charm in everyday moments.



"Slow architecture" refers to spaces that embrace a leisurely lifestyle and thoughtfully consider the passage of time. Inspired by the concept of "normal temperature" from Washida Kiyokazu, he uses this idea to depict the ordinary state of a city, revealing cultural essence and creating memorable landscapes. The Fame captures Chengdu's relaxed pace through a nature-filled, transparent design, blending historical reflections and architectural details to offer a multi-dimensional experience.


More than a space, The Fame is a place where time both connects and stands still. It gently links moments like stars, with walkways weaving through open areas that embrace change. Here, one can slow down, drift between gardens and spaces, and savor the unfolding layers of beauty and complexity.





W.DESIGN evokes a bamboo grove to foster an emotional connection between people and architecture, capturing Chengdu's cultural essence. Using traditional materials and modern techniques, they create transparent spaces where nature and structure blend seamlessly, blurring the boundaries between indoors and out, and crafting a space rich in meaning and depth.


Bamboo is deconstructed and reassembled, tilting upward to capture its fluid grace in a modern rhythm, symbolizing the resilience and upward spirit of Eastern culture. Light filters through the bamboo, creating a dance of shadows, while the sound of flowing water enriches the sensory experience. This interplay of elements at the entrance hall creates a deeply immersive and evocative space.


Art preserves memory, as shown in the "Fish Transforms into Dragon" shadow puppet installation, evoking delicate Eastern beauty. Created with heritage artisans Wang Tianwen, Wang Haiyan, and Dang Feihua using traditional techniques, this piece bridges past and present. It embodies a timeless cultural essence, reflecting the modern Eastern quest for happiness amidst change.


The space's dramatic shifts between seclusion and openness create its main theme. Moving towards the rear, encountering translucent jade stones signals a transition to a warm, elegant atmosphere. These changes foster interaction between people, space, and environment, contrasting and harmonizing to unify the atmosphere.


The varying levels and changing water features create a mountain-like elegance. Artistic glass adds rhythm to the structural columns, casting shifting colors in sunlight and blending illusion with reality. This design fosters a sense of openness and invites an immersive exploration. 




The "Third Space" blends sensory, emotional, and memory dimensions beyond traditional boundaries. W.DESIGN's The Fame, as a versatile social hub, merges functions like an art gallery and tea room, fostering connections and reflecting Chengdu's vibrant, serene culture.


Design should reflect a pure understanding of life. Glass defines the lounge area, blending diversity within a transparent layout. By day, it merges with the landscape; by night, it becomes a focal point illuminated with lasting impressions. The interior design breaks from tradition, offering private, playful spaces that blend elegance with tranquility, evoking the serene essence of nature indoors.


The interior design breaks from tradition, offering private, playful spaces that blend elegance with tranquility, evoking the serene essence of nature indoors.


Ink-colored ceramic panels evoke the rustic charm of mountain dwellings. The flower arrangement reflects the arranger's character, extending Eastern aesthetics into the space. Light through the VIP room's slats merges with the greenery outside, creating serene, picture-perfect beauty.


Outdoor materials blend nature into the space, promoting peace and open dialogue. The leather ceiling, inspired by Sichuan embroidery, adds cultural texture, creating a cozy social atmosphere where elegance meets inspiration.


The design of the swimming area aims to create a unique sense of sequence, allowing people to experience the passage of time while organically connecting with the outdoors. Using a series of orderly wall structures, curved designs, and strategic openings, the space guides swimmers to feel rhythm and spatial changes throughout their swim.


The design transcends aesthetics, linking people with nature, culture, and life. The Fame creates a "Third Space" where inner and outer worlds merge, offering healing and exploring urban lifestyles. It evolves beyond binaries into open, progressive growth, embodying the present and extending into the future.








室内设计:W.DESIGN 无间设计软装设计:W.DESIGN 无间软装
策划:Bobo Zhou摄影:如你所见-王厅、SHIDAI视频:Z Wang Studio 走走撰文/编辑:Ricardo

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