
春节文化教学系列 | “恭喜发财,红包拿来!”

郑丽慧 外研社国际汉语 2021-12-26



“May you be prosperous, and red envelopes please!” are playful auspicious words often heard during the Chinese New Year. It is a tradition for Chinese people to celebrate the Spring Festival by wrapping brand-new banknotes with red paper and giving them to younger generations as lucky money. Red symbolises vitality, delight and good fortune, and red envelopes convey good wishes from the elders to the younger generation. The pronunciation of “yasui” in Chinese sounds exactly like “suppressing the evil”. Therefore, lucky money symbolises keeping off evil spirits and being safe and sound.



Going from door to door wishing people a Happy New Year is in many people’s childhood memories, and what children yearn for the most is definitely receiving red envelopes. Nowadays, with the rise of the Internet, people are changing their ways of celebrating the Spring Festival and red envelopes are also entering the “digital age”. During the Chinese New Year, sending out electronic red envelopes via WeChat, QQ, Alipay has become a fashion for hundreds of millions of Chinese to share joy and happiness with their family and friends.


However, people have different opinions toward the electronic red envelopes. Some people take it as a game of sending electronic red envelopes to a bunch of friends and letting the application system decide the amount of money everyone gets. They think it is much more convenient than sending out holiday wishes by giving out traditional red envelopes. Others think that electronic red envelopes have prevented many young people from having quality conversations with their family. And they no longer participate in activities such as making dumplings and watching the Spring Festival Gala.



Be it the increasingly popular electronic red envelopes or the traditional red envelopes, both are the most popular gifts during the Spring Festival. As the ways of celebrating the Chinese New Year evolve with the times, the theme of family reunion and prayers for happiness remains eternal for Chinese people.



吉祥话 Auspicious Words


May you be prosperous, and red envelopes please!


Hope everything goes your way!


May you start safe and sound all year round!


May all your wishes come true!


Wish you a happy and prosperous new year!

习俗 Customs

除夕 New Year’s eve

春节 the Spring Festival

农历 lunar calendar

正月 lunar January

过年 celebrate the Chinese New Year / Spring Festival

买年货 Chinese New Year grocery shopping

团圆饭 family reunion dinner

年夜饭 dinner on New Year’s eve

春晚 the Spring Festival Gala

守岁 staying-up

春联 Spring Festival couplet

烟花 fireworks

爆竹 firecrackers

拜年 New Year’s visit

红包专场 Red Envelope

红包 red envelope; lucky money

电子红包 electronic red envelope

现金红包 cash-filled envelope

优惠券红包 coupon-filled red envelope

红包大战 red envelope war / fight

抢红包 snatch red envelopes

选择电子支付方式向微信好友发红包 tap into digital payments and send monetary gifts to others






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编辑 | 郑丽慧

美术编辑 | 张敢当



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