
刊讯|《汉语作为第二语言研究》 2024年第1期

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Chinese as a Second Language Research

Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2024

Chinese as a Second Language Research(CASLAR)2023年第2期共发文6篇,其中英文论文3篇,中文论文3篇。研究论文涉及阅读策略、汉字教学、双及物构式、“把”字句、汉语自主学习等。欢迎转发扩散!





Papers in English

■ Top-down Chinese as a second language reading strategies, by Jia Lin,Gengsong Gao,Ting Huang, Pages 1–27.

■ Curriculum design in teaching Chinese characters to American students: when and what?, by Shenglan Zhang, Pages 29–57.

■The relationship between parental involvement and children’s language acquisition, by Alexander Funk, Pages 59–78.

Papers in Chinese

■ 探究影響漢語雙及物構式語句產出之要素, by Huichen S. Hsiao,Shi-Wei Chan,Yin-Ling Wei, Pages 79–107.

■ 韩国企业员工汉语自主学习研究, by Xiaoyu Xu, Nali An, Pages 109-132.

■ “把” 字句中情态动词的位置, by Junjun Xiu, Pages 133-155.


Top-down Chinese as a second language reading strategies

Jia LinDepartment of Curriculum and Instruction, School of Education, Howard University, Washington, DC, USA

Gengsong Gao, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, University of Richmond, 203 Carole Weinstein International Center, Richmond, VA, USA

Ting Huang, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, USA

Abstract This study investigated how 22 college-level Chinese as a second language (CSL) learners used reading strategies when reading essays of various genres in a strategies-based reading instruction program, in which they were explicitly taught ten top-down reading strategies. In addition to strategy use frequency and preference, this study explored the interrelationships among multiple strategies and whether strategy use frequency correlated with reading proficiency. Qualitative and quantitative data analyses revealed that the most frequently used strategies included previewing, anticipating, making a summary, and attending selectively. They were used in combination with other strategies in an orchestrated way. This study did not find a significant correlation between reading proficiency and total strategy use frequency or the frequency of using any single strategy. Strategy use frequency alone, without considering strategy use accuracy and appropriateness, might not be a good indicator of reading proficiency. This study provides an in-depth analysis of how CSL readers used single strategies and blended multiple strategies. Its findings shed light on second language learners’ reading process, reading difficulties, and the rationales behind their strategy use. Pedagogical implications are provided for CSL teachers regarding how to embed explicit strategy training into reading classes.

key words combinations of multiple strategies; instructed reading; reading proficiency; strategy use frequency; top-down reading strategies

Curriculum design in teaching Chinese characters to American students: when and what?

Shenglan ZhangDepartment of World Languages and Cultures, Iowa State University, 3102g Pearson Hall, 505 Morrill Rd., Ames, 50010, USA

Abstract Chinese characters have been the most challenging aspect of the language to American learners. Whether or not and how to teach Chinese characters to beginner learners have been debated since the 1930s. Nowadays, the ubiquitous presence of computers and tablets has complicated how Chinese characters should be integrated in the curriculum. It is important to systematically review what scholars have proposed regarding curriculum design for teaching characters in the United States. In this systematic review study, an exhaustive search through the past nine decades of scholarship on teaching Chinese characters identified 16 peer-reviewed journal articles published since 1937 that focused on teaching Chinese characters at the level of course design and overall curriculum design for a Chinese program. Two themes regarding character teaching – when and what to teach – were identified. Each theme was analyzed in detail, and a tentative model was proposed based on that analysis.

key words characters; Chinese script; curriculum design; logographic orthography

The relationship between parental involvement and children’s language acquisition

Alexander FunkUniversity Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Abstract This study proposes that when parents are involved in providing learning support, the success rates for language acquisition are significantly higher. This paper explores the pedagogical strategies employed by non-Mandarin speaking parents through interactions to support their children’s language development. A cross case analysis carried out with five high achieving children and their families showed that parents were involved personally in their child’s education. They took it upon themselves to read with the child, play with the child, learn the language together with the child, assess the child and create opportunities for the child to practise the language. The study revealed that the support and psychological tools parents used helped to mediate their children’s language development process within family practices. These psychological tools could be adopted in classroom settings to supplement language acquisition pedagogies used by teachers.

key words collaborative learning; mediated learning; parental involvement


Huichen S. HsiaoDepartment of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

Shi-Wei Chan, Department of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

Yin-Ling Wei, Department of Chinese as a Second Language, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

Abstract 本研究旨在探討「動詞」、「義項」、「信息原則」對雙及物構式產出之影響, 並以四個漢語動詞 (「送、發、丟、分」) 為例, 透過「義項接受度評分」與「成對描述圖片」兩項實驗, 考察「漢語母語者」與「日籍學習者」產出語句的差異。研究結果顯示: 其一, 受習得順序、構式搭配與動詞類別的影響, 母語者傾向將動詞「發、丟」用於與格構式, 而動詞「送、分」則同時可用於與格、雙賓構式, 日籍學習者多產出動詞前給雙賓構式; 其二, 當動詞義項分別表示現場給予或遠程給予意義時, 母語者傾向選用不同的構式以區分兩者, 日籍學習者僅在動詞「丟」的兩個義項呈現差異; 其三, 母語者產出句式時存在一定程度的信息結構意識, 而學習者尚無; 其四, 學習者與母語者偏好使用的構式有所不同, 且多有偏誤, 顯示日籍學習者產出雙及物構式時仍受母語或習得順序的制約。

key words 日籍學習者; 雙及物構式; 義項接受度; 成對描述圖片


Xiaoyu XuRoom 1207, East Main Building, Guanghua Tower, No.220 Handan Road, Shanghai, 200433, China

Nali An, Room 1207, East Main Building, Guanghua Tower, No.220 Handan Road, Shanghai, 200433, China

Abstract 本研究依据“个人—行为—环境”三维框架, 运用量化和质化研究的方法, 从三个维度、五个方面 (学习意愿、学习方法、学习时间、学习评价、学习环境) 研究韩国企业员工的汉语自主学习情况。研究发现个人、行为、环境三者之间呈显著正相关关系; 随着汉语水平的提升, 韩国企业员工自主学习评价等级也逐渐上升, 但整体处于中下等, 没有有效开展自主学习; 初级汉语水平和高级汉语水平的韩国企业员工的自主学习情况呈显著差异; 自主学习情况对汉语水平有显著影响, 可以较好地预测初级和高级水平。韩国企业员工汉语自主学习存在较突出的特点和困难。据此, 本研究向韩国企业及韩国企业中学习汉语的员工提出相应的建议。

key words 韩国; 企业员工; 汉语; 自主学习

“把” 字句中情态动词的位置

Junjun XiuSchool of Chinese as a Second Language, Peking University, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R. China

Abstract 汉语语法学界一般认为情态动词只能用于 “把” 字句的 “把” 字之前, 但语言事实显示情态动词在一定的条件下, 也能用于 “把” 字之后。本文主要考察了情态动词用于 “把” 字之后的允准与限制、使用特点、表达效果与语法意义。情态动词出现在 “把” 字之后, 可以出现在作为假设小句、宾语小句、推测主句之类的 “把” 字句中, 此类 “把” 字句存在时体与情态语义的限制, 即: (一) 当把字句存在现实体 “了1”, 情态动词一般不能进入。(二) 当把字句没有时体成分出现时, “把” 后的情态动词语义无标记情况下不能是动力情态[意愿] (被动), 认识情态[推测], 而道义情态[义务], 动力情态[能力]则可以出现。语用上则具有主观认识性、虚拟假设性、以及非现实的施为性等要求。情态动词用于 “把” 字之后, 此时的 “把” 字句处置性减弱, 叙述性、描述性增强, “把” 字后为道义情态表现为施为句, “把” 字后为认识情态则表现为叙事句。情态动词作为焦点敏感算子, 在 “把” 前后表现为焦点与焦点辖域的不同。这可以从距离像似性得到解释, 距离情态动词越近的成分越容易成为焦点。本文还为 “把” 字句表达 “完全” 意义, “把” 字之后的宾语不一定是有定成分等观点提供了形式与意义上的证据。

key words “把” 字句; 情态动词; 焦点; 语序


Chinese as a Second Language Research (CASLAR) focuses on research on the acquisition, development, and use of Chinese as a Second Language. It supports scholars and researchers from different linguistic fields, and serves as a forum to discuss, investigate, and better understand Chinese as a Second Language. Each issue (2 per year) of the journal publishes three papers in Chinese and three papers in English; summaries are always provided both in Chinese and English.
We are especially interested in publishing articles and research papers thatinvestigate how empirical findings of CSL research can advance and develop better Chinese language teaching methodologies,explore the implications of CSL research for theoretical developments and practical applications,focus on the acquisition and use of varieties of CSL,study the nature of interaction between native speakers and non-native speakers of Chinese,address major issues of second language acquisition from the perspective of CSL,analyze the ways in which language is both shaped by culture and is the medium through which culture is created
该刊对涉及以下主题的文章和研究论文特别感兴趣:调查汉语作为第二语言研究(CSL)的实证结果如何推进和开发更好的汉语教学方法,探索 CSL 研究对理论发展和实际应用的影响,专注于不同种类的CSL习得和使用,研究母语为汉语和非汉语为母语的人之间互动的本质,从CSL的角度解决第二语言习得的主要问题,分析语言如何既受文化塑造又是创造文化的媒介


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